Halloween Family Ideas For Fun At Home
Spread the Love3 3SharesSpooky time is here! Are you out of ideas to try this Halloween? Check out the list of simple yet fun-filled ideas for Halloween family activities at home. No need to leave your house, if you prefer to stay in. Fun right at your home and yards (front/back). You can check out this post if you want well-rounded fall family traditions. That includes pumpkin patches, hiking, feasts, Halloween, etc. Whatever your family decides to do this year, there are endless options for making this one day a year of spooky, fun, and happy Halloween. So whether you are planning to go all out with the Halloween feast or…
10 Simple Father’s Day Breakfast (Kids Can Easily Pull Off)
Spread the Love3 3SharesKids, put on your aprons and get ready to make breakfast for dad on Father’s Day! These recipes are simple and delicious, so you can’t go wrong. It will be a delight for Dad to wake up to a breakfast made by his little one. Happy Father’s Day! Facilitating and coordinating a morning celebration for your spouse with the kids in participation may make the kitchen messy later. But everyone will forever remember the memories made. No fret; cleaning up will also include kids helping out. So, let’s get on with it. 10 Easy Father’s Day Breakfast Round-Up Recipes 1. Bacon and Waffles You can never go wrong…
Remember Dad on Father’s Day
Spread the Love3 3SharesRemembering your dad, who has gone ahead, and Father’s Day comes along is painfully difficult. You’re feeling the loss of your dad hard, and it’s not easy to move forward when you miss him so much. Yet, the memories flood and you’re reminded of how you and your dad celebrated this special day. This year will be challenging, for the other chair is empty. It’s tough to remember what was once and how to deal with the loss of your dad. Although moving forward isn’t easy, and celebrating his honor, his life during Father’s Day can also be a step ahead. With memories worth remembering, take a step…
Mother’s Day Pamper Gifts for 2022
Spread the Love5 5SharesIt’s that time of year again when we all scramble to find the perfect gift for our mothers. But why not skip the flowers and chocolates this year and go for something a little more indulgent? How do pamper me gifts for mother’s day sound? Here are some great pamper gifts for mothers day that will show how much you care. She’ll love anything on this list, from shower steamers to body care sets! No time to shop? No worries. I have put together a list of great ideas to make your mom feel special. So take a look and get inspired. Happy Mothers Day! **Links in this…
December Family Bucket List
Spread the Love144 144SharesWeek two of December 2021 is done! Got two more weeks to spend some family time with this December Bucket List! How’s the holiday spirit? Is your Christmas tree up? Since when? Or are you gathering your Christmas decorations to put up this weekend? Either way, ready or not – Christmas is coming. When it comes to holiday celebrations, each family has its traditions and celebrates this beautiful festive season of the year. Does your tradition involve making cookies, attending a Christmas party, driving around town to see the lights, or lining up children’s Christmas arts to do? If you want to add some new family tradition ideas this…
Holiday Gift Guide for Learning Toys
Spread the Love11 11SharesParents are all in when it comes to toys that spark learning in kids. So what would support your kids as they grow while exploring their world? Learning through play. Here’s a gift guide of learning toys that’ll help them out as early as a year old through the teenage years. As you prepare to buy holiday gifts for each kid in the family, you’ll be drawn to presents that can also enhance development and learning in them. Finding those practical toys that promote skills and development can help parents encourage their kids’ learning. Hands-on play and creativity for kids are one-way toys can be enjoyed. This post…
Kangaroo Care for NICU Babies
Spread the Love42 42SharesBabies born prematurely have extensive need for medical interventions. However, what struck me the most was preterm babies’ responses to skin-to-skin experiences with their mothers. This healing and therapeutic experience are called Kangaroo Care or Kangaroo Mother Care for NICU babies. Having gone through a NICU experience when my daughter was born has been a frightening journey for our family. Prematurity had not been on my radar when I became a mom, but life has many surprises. What I loved and looked forward to the most during our stay in the NICU was the Kangaroo Care time. I remember holding my preemie daughter for the very first time.…
Cultivating Your Child’s Interests
Spread the Love34 34Shares Raising a well-rounded child takes effort and dedication from parents. Finding ways to pursue your child’s interests and cultivating them can be one of the most time-consuming yet best feelings in the world. Remember the astonishment you felt when you were younger as you spent time doing the things you love? Yes. I most certainly do. Your child can also partake from that feeling and let it unfold. What’s excellent about cultivating your child’s interests and passion? A research center shows that pursuing something children love provides them with many learning opportunities for growth and self-discovery. It also promotes self-esteem as they master these skills and excel in them. …