
First Blogging Anniversary

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I can’t believe that the blog has reached one year old! I am thankful to all readers, commenters, subscribers, and blog supporters for staying connected with me for a whole year. Now we’re celebrating the first blogging anniversary!

Growth and learning have been the arrow that propelled this blog to develop and expand from its course.

I had the most fun and inspiring year writing all the content of this blog to share my views on motherhood, open up about my experiences (the good and the sad ones) and learn from your stories through comments and messages.

Without your continued support, this blog wouldn’t have grown to what it is. 

With this in mind, I am more moved to create content that serves to inspire and move you as you navigate your motherhood journey. So I’ll continue to write posts that might help you along your way in any way I can.

I don’t have all the answers to your pressing questions all the time. I am also learning as I walk my path in this mom life. However, we share a common bond in supporting each other regardless of our age, status, circumstance, race, preference, and culture – that matters to me.

This blog will always embrace a mom – YOU. Whether you’re about to be a new mom, an experienced mom, or even a loss mom, you are all welcome here. This community is for YOU.

I may not be able to meet you in person and have a friendly conversation about everything relating to motherhood, but having you in the community makes it so that we’re still connected. 

You can always send me a message and connect with me here or on my social media accounts: Pinterest and Instagram. You can also subscribe to my newsletter for exclusive updates, discounts, etc. 

First Year Blogging Anniversary

Now back to the blog turning 1

I will answer some questions relating to my blog and the flow of blogging in general.

When I decided to start this blog, I was apprehensive. How much do I share? What are the pros and cons of blogging? Will I be able to sustain the writing on top of my busy schedule? 

I was second-guessing myself. Who wouldn’t feel uncertain about new things and new transitions? 

What was it like running this blog?

It’s not all about writing content. I wished it was.

At first, I thought, okay – I’ll be setting a writing schedule for when I will research blog post topics, then do the outline, draft the post, finalize it, and more.

But to my surprise, I’d also be sourcing out images, keeping track of my outbound links that are credible and don’t get me started on promotions.

I’m the type to write and publish. So I haven’t thought about promoting these blog posts other than on my website.

As I learned more about blogging, I quickly adapted and chose two platforms (Pinterest and Instagram) to share with the public. I knew it wasn’t a straight road to success. It required consistency in all angles. 

Time and dedication are on my hands to connect with all blog readers. Writing and posting became a little smoother process for me.

It was all coming together as I learned how to start and run a blog.

In my experience, blogging presents a whole new world of information, and there is so much to learn. 

I am networking with other bloggers, marketing, and so much more. So every turn, I need to know, adapt and get it together. 

What made me decide to start a blog? 

In all honesty, I didn’t plan on starting a blog. However, a major transition in my life happened, and I became a stay-at-home mom.

When becoming SAHM, I felt lost. But, do you know what helped me with my transition? I was reading blogs of other moms who made the change—an opportunity to see firsthand how they made their transition.

I didn’t think that becoming a SAHM needed preparation, but as I read more, it was clear that I had to prepare. 

But boy, I wasn’t or maybe halfway prepared. 

The pandemic struck, and the kids had to be home in the Spring of 2020. The school was canceled in person, and yes, my husband and I were scrambling to make it work. 

A year passed from the 2020 Great Resignation; as I was prepping for the day of homeschooling and checking off my list of to-dos, it dawned on me – maybe I’ll start a blog. I realized that mom blogs who were there for me helped me get on this path and transition. 

It was possible. Maybe it will work out. I was inspired to write.

Writing about my transition, motherhood, experiences, and homemaking as I go through it every day. That’s when I said I will, and here we are after a year.

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This post contains affiliate links, if you purchase anything, I may earn a commission. See disclosure.

What was the hardest adjustment when I started blogging?

I’m not a techie. I didn’t know how to start a blog from the ground up. What do I need? What points do I need to check off to get the blog going? 

When I got a blogging course to help me get started, I was thankful for the guidance – Adventures in You (Blogging Fast Lane). 

I would have been lost without the course’s step-by-step setup of the website, the ins and outs of blogging, behind-the-scenes, the content management system, SEO, and all other blogging road map pitstops guidance and support from Anna and Tom – Adventures in You. 

Although their blog and inputs are geared towards a travel blog, I got the benefits of the roadmap for a beginner blogger. The course creators provided the methods and strategies in detail, and their video lessons were easy to follow. In addition, both blog coaches are there every step.

All of those were the hardest for me to start a blog and the technical side of blogging. My husband would hear me groan when the website speed test showed it sucks or trying to set up another caching plugin and more. 

OMG! I didn’t sign up for these. Yes, I did. 

Once I was able to surpass those tech hurdles, I could breathe. But crossing fingers, errors, or technical difficulties may turn up to a minimum; I can handle it. So for now, I’m okay. 

What motivates me to write?

I write because I love writing. Fair enough? But what made me write is the innate call to help others, especially new moms.

Every single piece of content I put out is for my readers. I strive to help by writing about my experiences as a mother. It may not apply to all my readers, but somehow, a mom is reading, looking for answers – I am here to help.

My family motivates me in a way that they’re supportive through and all. And I don’t write about personal things I haven’t cleared with them.

I’m grateful for every support I received starting this blog from family, friends, readers, commenters, and subscribers.

What were the challenges?

My fears of starting this blog were enormous and plenty. Some sounded like – what if no one would read my posts? What if someone leaves a rude comment? Plenty of doubts and what-ifs flooded my writing days.

I felt I wasn’t experienced enough in motherhood compared to others. But then, it hit me, my journey has nothing to do with other moms or is comparable to their stories. Yet it is my journey, experiences, lessons, and growth.

Overcoming many blogging challenges made me more confident. Yes, the tears and sweat included – all-nighters or when downtime on the weekend, I worked on the blog here and there.

I am not a blogging expert. Nor an SEO expert for ranking on google. 

I am a mom who writes about her journey and the lessons along the way. A mom who wants to help another mom make her life easier, less stressful, and put together. 

Blog calendar

What can you expect for the second year of The Motherly Heap?

As we celebrate the First Blogging Anniversary of The Motherly Heap, commitment is renewed to provide content that helps you. Tips and strategies for facing motherhood challenges, getting organized in homemaking, prioritizing mom’s self-care, etc.

These points are the center of The Motherly Heap’s content. It will continue to address motherhood issues and daily concerns that you’ll probably encounter. 

It will continue to send exclusive tidbits to all our monthly newsletter subscribers. Connecting with all the subscribers helps me pivot the content to what my readers deem helpful in their lives. 

I am thankful for the opportunity to build this motherhood community. 

The huge support that The Motherly Heap has received since the beginning. Thank you for taking the time to read, support, purchase from the links, send feedback and messages.

Now we are celebrating the First Blogging Anniversary of The Motherly Heap – many thanks to all of YOU!

Looking back after a year of blogging. The start, challenges, lessons and more. Celebrating the First Blogging Anniversary of The Motherly Heap

If you are new here, I invite you to subscribe to the newsletter and follow us on Instagram and Pinterest. I would love to have you join The Motherly Heap family. 

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  • Sally

    Congratulations to you on your blogging anniversary! I’m still new to blogging myself. I only launched in the fall of 2021 so I really connected to what you wrote here! There is so much more to blogging than I realized before I jumped in. So, kudos to you on this achievement. You should be very proud of yourself. Cheers to a great second year!

    • Jordan N.

      Thank you, Sally. Indeed, blogging is hard work. Consistency and patience take you a long way. Learning as you write, living the experience, and implementing methods lets you grow as a blogger.

      I wish you good luck on your blog as well. Let’s do this!

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