Daily Mom Life,  Routines

6 Tips to Maintain a Clutter-Free Home

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You’ve decluttered your home. You’ve put in the work to get rid of unnecessary things and unused ones. Now, as weeks and months roll by, you are looking at cluttered spaces in the home with a huge question – why are the clutter piles back again? How do you maintain a clutter-free home?

Here’s a secret, no one’s home is genuinely clutter-free. That includes mine too. 

On the contrary, somewhere in the house, stuffed boxes and overflowing storages prove that the clutter bug is at it again. 

Nothing makes a mom cringe more than looking at the clutter all over the house. And you know, it will be eating up your time and energy.

So, now, here are six tips on how to maintain your home clutter-free. 

We can only try to find solutions to each situation, and recommendations may be hit or miss. So, stay with us on this – prevent bringing in more items and tackle clutter head-on.

Here are some practical tips for a homemaker to maintain and keep a clutter-free home. Keeping chaos and clutter under control. Read more...
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Practical Tips To Maintain and Keep a Clutter-Free Home

Ask before you buy

Purchasing things on a whim. Shopping spree with no plans. 

Shopping scenarios, here and there. 

Now, thinking of keeping the home clutter-free, you’ve got to stop impulse buying. 

Easy to say, hard to do. Then, let these questions be on your mind before swiping the card or handing in your cash –

  • Do I NEED this? 
  • When will I use this? How often?
  • Is there a similar item at home?
  • Do I have SPACE for this?

The list goes on…

Asking yourself questions before buying an item can help you sort out what you need or want. Hopefully, it deters you from getting things you don’t need yet fills up your home with clutter. 

Ask -Maintain a Clutter-Free Home
Photo Credit: Pexels

Be ruthless on clutter

Yes, you’ve cleared out some from your stash. Yet you still have plenty of storage boxes to sort out—souvenirs and memorabilia, sometimes clothes from the early college years. 

Check and check.

It’s time to part ways. Instead, become the ruthless declutter queen – starting today! 

Let it all go. You take a picture of something you choose to keep and not use anymore. Then, say goodbye. Adios.

They said, “other people’s clutter can be another’s treasure.” So let it be a therapeutic step of letting go and giving away. Scan prints/art into digital items and save them on a hard drive. Or best, find them a new home.

Be ruthless- declutter now - maintain a clutter-free home
Photo Credit: Getty Images


It is personal. How we feel and what we have and deserve are ours. 

When we feel content with the things around us, we are more relaxed and happier. As a result, we don’t seek out other material things to fill the void or be the answer to what we’re dealing with. 

It may be in our nature to want more, to keep – just in case. So even buying just for the sake of buying or item DEALS gives us a heightened feeling – only to realize we didn’t need it. 

Clutter in the home can be the aftermath of wanting more material things; the problem is some items don’t even get used or meet their purpose. Time to let go.

Deals- Maintain a Clutter-Free Home
Photo Credit: pixabay

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Family Affair

Involvement in the maintenance of your home requires the entire family. YES, not just mom or dad. Everyone.

Kids love to be involved. So the responsibilities of keeping their school backpack organized, taking out the clutter from their bedroom, tidying their personal space – let it be a family affair. Add decluttering to their chores.

There may be some pushback from the kids, but having a clutter-free space shows them how peaceful it can be for them too. Be able to concentrate on homework or enjoy their personal space without the chaos.

It also helps them reflect on how they feel around the home. Of course, it will never be perfectly clutter-free; it’s understandable. However, feeling responsible for the home environment can keep them from adding to the clutter.

Photo Credit: Yuganov Konstantin

Make a habit

It takes an average of 66 days to make a habit. Since you’ve done your part on the initial decluttering of your home, let it drive you to continue clearing things around.

  • Home for everything.
  • Clean up after yourself.
  • Pick up items on the floor and store/throw them.
  • Weekly declutter time on the calendar.

Creating a decluttering habit incorporates it within your daily routine. Motivation can become fickle, but a strong decluttering routine can keep you going.

Home for everything - maintain a clutter-free home
Photo Credit: Getty Images

Time and Plan

Dedicate time to decluttering the home. Would it be the early morning, midday, or late evening? 

You can also use the clutter timer – 5 minutes pick up for any area. 

You’d be surprised how many you can check off your list when you are determined to make your home clutter-free. 

Any area is a potential clutter place. But, as I’ve mentioned, planning your time and energy to declutter can help you in many ways. 

Photo Credit: Getty Images

Clutter-Free Home and Maintenance

Maintaining a home is complex, and adding clutter to the mix becomes complicated. Prevention is key to keeping clutter from piling back up again. Getting ahead of chaos can become another task in your homemaking, yet it can be a savior to your sanity. 

How you maintain a clutter-free home does do cleaning and organizing your home more accessible. As a result, it won’t be as time-consuming.

Include these tips in your homemaking routine today, and let a clutter-free home bring peace and happiness. 

Here are some practical tips for a homemaker to maintain and keep a clutter-free home. Keeping chaos and clutter under control. Read more...
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What are your hidden secrets in keeping clutter under control in your home? Please share your tips with us. 

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