
Do you know what defines motherhood?

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What is Motherhood?

Motherhood can be seen and felt in several facets of life. It is the hardest thing you can be in, yet the most beautiful state you can be. Defining motherhood can be limitless. Motherhood requires a true sense of unselfishness and grit. It puts you through a looking glass that shows the significance of your every choice.

What is the purpose of motherhood?

The intent is to care for and nurture your children and be there for them no matter what. To guide them in their overall development and provide a safe space for them to explore their world. Our children can sometimes disappoint us, yet we support them wholeheartedly. We gently encourage them to do their best next time. Moreover, when they reached milestones, they accomplished things that make us proud – we celebrate them.

Stepping into motherhood can take you where you don't expect it. The trials you overcome and the triumphs in mothering - can transform you into a different person. #motherhood #momtruths #lifeasmom #momlife

How did motherhood change me?

My experiences as a mom tremendously changed my life on an unexpected path.

Take a stroll with me as I tell you.

I felt an outpouring of emotions the moment I knew that I was pregnant with our son. A wave of anxiety and bliss rushed over my entire body simultaneously. Then I immediately called my husband (he was at work) and told him the news over the phone. We’ve been hoping for a baby for quite a time.

I was a very anxious first-time mom and always second-guessed myself. I did not expect that it can drain you mentally, emotionally, and physically. It made me realized that I cannot do everything and that I needed help.

The pure joy of seeing my son grow healthy and strong keeps me going. It was enough for me to go through the daily motherly tasks without pressure. It gave me the confidence to persevere as I go. 

Yet motherhood is not all joys and rainbows.

You can also face the most heartbreaking aspect of motherhood by losing a child through a miscarriage, as I did with our first daughter. I do not wish this on any woman, and I pray you do not experience such devastating loss. Yet, it wrecks your innermost being in fragments.

How did I ever bear such a painful time? Motherhood teaches you at every angle.

I’ve come to learn that overcoming the pain of loss is not easy and will remain not as raw but present. Even more, it gives your heart a pang of longing when you least expect it. But, as time heals, it will provide you with a glimpse of relief and hope.

Here are some of the steps I took in dealing with my loss:

  • Take your time in grieving.
  • Know that it was not your fault.
  • Plenty of kindness towards yourself.
  • Look for support, be it personal or professional, and recognize that you are not alone in this situation.

Then, our second daughter came to this world a micro-preemie. It unexpectedly came with a punch. I went home without her because she has to stay much longer in the NICU. To be separated from her days after birth was the worst feeling in the world. I descended into a hole of darkness and emptiness. It came with overwhelming fears and, the end of it was nowhere near in sight.

It took me years to fully get a grip of what that year entailed. However, it made me a stronger and a much-adjusted mom. Everything I experienced made me into the mother I am today. I would not be where I am now without my husband and our family’s support.

Above all, I am grateful for everything, trials and all. I cherish every moment as I watch my children grow happy, content, and healthy. As a family, we remember our daughter in heaven and keep her in our hearts forever.


to show mom holding a baby's hand

The best part of being a mom.

Firstly, the unconditional love you give and receive. Our children don’t gauge what we do for them every minute of the day. Instead, they see and appreciate how you made them feel.

Secondly, The morning cuddles, the bedtime stories, the I LOVE YOUs and all the highlights of the day. And lastly, your dreams for the future and the plans you will make to achieve them.

Motherhood is all wrapped up in a whirlwind of good and not-so-good days. So you forget all the slip-ups of the day and focus on what matters most.

I think you’ll agree with me that motherhood propels you to be the best version of yourself even though you feel inadequate at times. But, unfortunately, it has a way of swaying you to this spiral staircase of doubts, guilt, pride, and happiness altogether.

You define yourself by how you feel, what you are currently thinking and why you do what you do. So give yourself heaps of grace to be what you hope to be as a mom. The point is motherhood is a heavy crown to bear, so wear it with pride.

Motherhood Aspirations.

We all strive to be the best mom for our children. Imperfect or flawed we may be; we do try every day. We aspire to raise them as good persons with values that strengthen them along the way.

The choices we make are not absolute. There are days you will get it right or at least almost, and some days you miss it. These are all part of the passage.

Successful mothers are not the ones who have never struggled. They are the ones who never give up despite the struggles. – Sharon Jaynes

Indeed, there are moments I questioned myself if I am doing everything I am supposed to or if my choices now will impact how my children grow. I did not give myself enough grace as I experienced motherhood for the first time.

The struggle is real and draining. That’s why I continued to improve myself, and I gained insights into motherhood through my own experiences and lessons over the years.

What can I impart?

Altogether, as you ponder on your motherhood journey:

  • Provide yourself space to evolve and to adjust.
  • Embrace the challenges and learn from them. Seek motherhood inspirational quotes for encouragement.
  • Forgive yourself if you mess up.
  • Take little triumphs as they are and hold your head high.
  • Ask for help from your husband, family/friends, and reach out to other moms. 
  • Lastly, be in the moment and treasure it with gratitude. 

In truth, your child sees you as their world, and being you – with your love is enough. But, most importantly, your unique experiences how you deal with them will define your motherhood. 

Take away questions for you:

What is motherhood to you? What makes a good mother? Do you feel empowered by the experiences you have encountered as a new mom or even as a veteran mom? What are your innermost aspirations as a mom? Share in the comment. 

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