• Motherhood,  You

    Intentional Motherhood: Mothering with Purpose

    Intentional Motherhood is something to focus on nowadays to keep yourself in line with your personal and family values. It is being prepared, pausing to think before responding, and prioritizing what matters. This parenting way falls under the lines of Intentional Parenting. As I sat quietly typing about this particular post, I couldn’t help but think about where I was in my mothering. I’m still in the depths of learning through parenting, truth be told. But, my motherhood walk is what it is for my kids and myself.  The values that I hold myself accountable for act as guards to my mothering heart and definitely keeping me on my toes. …

  • Mom looking at baby album - being a mom
    Motherhood,  You

    Being a Mom: Finding the Joy and Letting Go in Motherhood

    It’s hard being a mom. What I know is that mothering doesn’t come uncomplicated. On the contrary, each walk has some peaks and ever-changing challenges. I struggle in gratitude about my motherhood because the thoughts that hover more were the ones that brought doubts in me. Staying positive amidst all the mothering hardships is half the battle. I am a stronger person because of what I’ve encountered daily, and it’s not getting any easier either, only different. Not until I stopped and looked deeper did I get to see the big screen. My life screen was as clear as a summer day. I was more than leaning into matters that gave…

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