• 60 Best Quotes for New Mothers
    Motherhood,  You

    New Mothers Quotes To Support You Through This Life-Changing Experience

    New motherhood is full of surprises. Besides the good, there are also the bad and the ugly. But through it all, there’s one thing that every new mom needs: rock-solid support. So we’ve gathered some of our favorite new mothers quotes to help you get through those first few months (and beyond). From the hilarious to the relatable, these quotes capture everything about this fantastic—and crazy—journey. The journey is both beautiful and challenging. There are so many things to learn as a new mom and discover through every moment. It can sometimes feel daunting, but it is also an extraordinary time for you. And yes, becoming a new mother can be…

  • Family,  Kids

    20 Heartwarming Quotes on Being a Dad this Father’s Day

    The words from your heart to Dad… unsaid… unwritten… make it known, today. If you’re sending a thoughtful gift and a Father’s Day Card, chances are you’ll also be searching for inspirational quotes on Being a Dad and Fatherhood to include.  Every day is an opportunity to express our love and appreciation to the Dads in our lives. Yet, on Father’s Day, it rings special to celebrate The Man.  What does Dad mean to you? Which values were taught that left beautiful imprints? What are you thankful for that he’s in your life? Everything that holds the bond you shared. You do some soul-searching, walking back to memory lane or…

  • mother and son sitting at the beach - motherhood quotes
    Motherhood,  You

    21 Most Inspiring Motherhood Quotes Every Mom Needs to Hear

    There’s something about motherhood quotes that stops you in your tracks. A strong pull inward that emanates from your heart. A quick tug at each string and a warm embrace that you experience from within. I am always fascinated by quotes about motherhood that I read everywhere. It brings my day assured and leaves me with a specific emotion as I go through my day. They’re a constant reminder to me – I’m not alone in my journey, and somehow someone understands. Close to my heart are motherhood quotes. Each quote leaves a trace of awe and inspiration. Those words dance like the waves in the vast ocean; you’ll always…

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