13 Simple Habits of a Happy Mom
What if there’s one thing that you can do about being happy in your life? What is a happy mom, and how can simple habits help you feel happier?
Anything can wear out a mom’s bandwidth. These days, it’s easier to get caught up with matters at home, work, and out in the community.
Moms are stretched to the limits and barely surviving. You may be working during the pandemic and figuring out kids’ daycare/school needs. Or you’re navigating homeschooling for the first time or working from home with kids not yet able to attend school.
Overstress is enough to get your emotional state at a crisis.
So how can you give when your tank is almost empty?

Are you frustrated to the point of wanting to burrow up beneath the sheets? Do you feel like piles of housework are engulfing you?
You are not alone.
Many moms who feel at the brink of exhaustion. No denying that they may surrender any small glimpse of joy for themselves can become burnout, weary, and even unhappy.
You all must do what you know is best for your situation. However, you can adjust some aspects of your life to accommodate some that help brings you joy.
It is time to think about what drove you at this point? What did you let go to make space for others?
Everyone has their definition of happiness in life. We can’t argue that we see life through a different lens and mood. We might seek happiness in every milestone related to our personal, home, and work-life almost every day.
It’s validating for us. It holds reality in check.
Yet, you don’t have to wait until we meet these monumental moments to feel happy. Instead, you can create habits into your daily routine that help you feel happier, no matter what life throws at you.

13 Simple habits you can incorporate daily to be a Happy Mom
Get enough sleep and make physical health a priority.
I know, I know. So why do these have to be the first one on the list? Less sleep and decreased recovery mean you’re tired or become moody. What about your immune system and heart health? These two can become affected when your sleep schedule isn’t great.
Invest in a calming bedtime routine after the kids have gone to bed. Select bedtime rituals that encourage your body to slow down and relax.
A study suggests that sleep and happiness are linked. So why not create better schedule for sleep to happen, whenever possible.
Trust that your body will get you through the day. Fuel your body with a balanced diet and moderate physical activity. You are more than capable of practicing habits that keep your body in a healthy state.
If you’re battling a chronic health condition, it’s more critical to regularly see your doctor and make use of the individualized plan to manage your condition.
When you’re sick, take care and don’t push yourself. As moms, we tend to continue the grind even when we’re sick. Let others help you. You need to rest and recuperate.
Go outside.
Even for just 30 minutes, a short walk around the neighborhood can reset your mind from the daily grind of motherhood. Even on your workdays, stepping out to get 10 minutes of air from outside can help you flourish.
Set a calendar day to go hiking in nature and take in the fresh air and the calming benefits of nature sounds.
Or visit a public garden and sit in silence under the trees.
Spend time with the people you love.
Your spouse may also crave some time alone. Let it be the norm to spend time together. If you both work outside the home, set aside time to communicate and connect.
Plan a fun evening for the two of you and refrain from talking about the kids. Instead, refocus your attention on what makes you love the person you’re with.
Spending one-on-one time with your kids can do wonders in their emotional development. They become the focus of your time, not a household chore, not errands.
They see you cut out time to be with them and intentionally connect. Kids feel safe and loved when parents are mindful about reconnecting.

RELATED POST: Intentional Motherhood: Mothering with Purpose
Do things with purpose. Work with purpose.
Being purposeful takes practice. We are all prone to auto-pilot. With that, you have your schedule of chores, appointments, and activities. However, there’s an opportunity to slow down.
Take the time to indulge in the moment of what you’re doing.
When we love our job at work, we don’t feel the drag. We feel passionate and motivated to do our best at work. Do your work with purpose. Answer the why; why you’re doing what you’re doing. Do you feel happy about your job?
There’s a thin line between happiness at work and because you need to work.
Search for your purpose when you aren’t feeling fulfilled in where you are right now.
I don’t mean, quit at once. Instead, reset and rethink what benefits you and check your happiness gauge.
Aim for simple, realistic self-care.
Self-care is this and that. Everyone tells you what to do. Please take it as your guide for starting on self-care.
However, what method you use or choose to take care of yourself – depends on what keeps your spirit up.
You don’t want to be lifting three times a week when your heart isn’t in it. Or gardening on the weekends when you want to read or relax.
Choose what makes you happy. Choose something that fuels your mind and body. Indulge in self-care that refuels you and your joy.
Practice gratitude.
Being practical doesn’t mean being dull. On the contrary, things and people in our lives bring us joy in moments.
What sets gratitude apart is that it comes from within. Your inner voice tells you that “I’m grateful for small things, for the challenges that made me grow, for the supportive people in my life, and more.”
It helps you see things in a different light, and you become grateful for what you have.

Decrease media time.
In a world full of instant access, media is helpful when you’re looking for information. But when you dwell on negative news every single day, it takes away your peace of mind when you take in what’s happening in the world.
Take little at a time. Maybe listen to the morning news and shut it off afterward. Social media scrolling, if it triggers you – skip the ones that don’t serve you.
Get home in order.
I’m not referring to the type of HGTV home organization-level and simply illustrating getting clutter and chaos out of sight and creating a cleaning routine that fits your schedule and lifestyle.
It can’t be something that forces you to do every single day. However, homemaking brings joy to those who do it with purpose.
Getting overwhelmed with chores can become stressful enough that it disrupts your happiness. As a result, you become whiny, short-tempered, and even unhappy.
Share the load.
Everyone shares the homemaking load. Remember, it isn’t only you who use the space at home. You have the whole family. So let them pitch in with what they can appropriately do.
The kids can do chores that can quickly be done and delegated. You can check out my post on the chore list by age.
Sharing household management with your spouse or significant other can lighten up the load on you physically. However, taking into account how it can liberate your mental load when you know that some home care isn’t just your responsibility, but everyones’.
Reach out when it’s all so overwhelming.

RELATED POST: Declutter Before Organizing
Positive mindset.
Positivity in all the things you do can become taxing. I get it. You can’t just happily skip around town and stay positive.
But intentionally reminding yourself of what matters and remaining positive can help you reframe your mind and feel happier.
Talk it out with someone if you feel you can’t get past an event or are causing you undue emotions that aren’t dissipating.
Release the negative thoughts. Seeing the brighter side of life takes patience and reminder. Acknowledge the not-so-good part and move forward with what you can do and control.
You can decrease the mental load of motherhood when you focus on what makes you a happy mom and simple habits that you can change along the way.
Keep a routine.
Either doing an early morning routine, having a journaling schedule, or getting your kids’ routine down with them, it gets easier for you to navigate life.
When you spend time doing personal rituals that make you happy or keep you motivated to stay happy, you’re more likely to keep them up.
Setting up and implementing routine needs discipline and flexibility to adjust to anything. But, it doesn’t have to be done or anything.
Seek out what you can do; joy becomes the focus, not perfection.
Learn to manage your time.
Don’t you have enough time to do everything at home and work even?
Prioritize and have a plan for everything.
As mentioned above, routines for kids can help you streamline the things that need to be done. They’re aware of what they expect to do at a given moment.
And as your kids do their daily routine in the morning or evening, you have that window to do other things to help everyone get out the door or get ready for bed.
You can’t be cleaning all day. Start creating a time block for your cleaning routine. You don’t have to multitask all the time. Permit yourself to do one thing at a time to give your brain a break from processing multiple information.
Assign time limits if you can, so you are not stuck to one task for a long time.
As a work-from-home mom, I do timer for my focused daily tasks. I already have a set schedule to homeschool, my kids. I can block out times for other priority tasks around those times.
When I put time for my freelance health writing, I batch tasks in an hour or two, like researching or creating content. As for this blog, tasks needed to keep it running and writing blog posts draw priority.
These are somehow a loose schedule for all work-related tasks. Nothing is written in stone. However, I value the time when I can focus on one task at a time and be flexible enough to adjust when I need to.
Breaks are essential to keep you on track with your scheduled tasks.
Set prayer as part of your day.
Let it lead you to seek solace in times of trouble and sadness. Those challenging times draw that grace from prayers when you question your worth.
Seek the strength from Him that gives life and perfect refuge.
It isn’t temporary joy. When you give your all and lead a prayerful life, you open up your heart to find happiness in His love and mercy every single day.

Final Words of Simple Habits to do as a Happy Mom
Ultimately, being a mom is hard work yet comes with beautiful moments to treasure. So you tuck those moments somewhere and draw joy from remembering them.
Making time on your daily habits as a mom will help you feel happy and fulfilled amid the chaos of mothering and managing the home.
As moms, we draw our strength from within. We give love without expectations.
Start small and add on what you can. Starting a habit doesn’t require you to completely overhaul your life. Instead, let these steps help you become a happier mom in the days to come.
Take a small step to change and weave it into your day-to-day journey of becoming a happy mom.
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Thank you for the tips on habits for moms. Time management is so key, as is finding the time to do something for yourself. If my toddler is playing in our office, I’ll take my guitar and play, even if it’s for five minutes before she runs off! You’ve gotta squeeze in time for yourself! It’s so important!
Jordan N.
I’m glad you found the tips for habits for a happy mom helpful. There’s only so much we can squeeze in a 24-hr day (minus sleeping time). Time is precious. I like that you take the time to prioritize self-care. I play the guitar too. ? Thank you, Justine.