• 60 Best Quotes for New Mothers
    Motherhood,  You

    New Mothers Quotes To Support You Through This Life-Changing Experience

    New motherhood is full of surprises. Besides the good, there are also the bad and the ugly. But through it all, there’s one thing that every new mom needs: rock-solid support. So we’ve gathered some of our favorite new mothers quotes to help you get through those first few months (and beyond). From the hilarious to the relatable, these quotes capture everything about this fantastic—and crazy—journey. The journey is both beautiful and challenging. There are so many things to learn as a new mom and discover through every moment. It can sometimes feel daunting, but it is also an extraordinary time for you. And yes, becoming a new mother can be…

  • Motherhood,  You

    13 Simple Habits of a Happy Mom

    What if there’s one thing that you can do about being happy in your life? What is a happy mom, and how can simple habits help you feel happier? Anything can wear out a mom’s bandwidth. These days, it’s easier to get caught up with matters at home, work, and out in the community. Moms are stretched to the limits and barely surviving. You may be working during the pandemic and figuring out kids’ daycare/school needs. Or you’re navigating homeschooling for the first time or working from home with kids not yet able to attend school.  Overstress is enough to get your emotional state at a crisis. So how can…

  • Motherhood,  Postpartum

    Tips for a Struggling NICU Mom: Surviving the NICU Life

    It’s heartbreaking and harrowing having a premature baby in the NICU. But as reality hit me that my baby would stay in the hospital and not come home with me – I became a NICU mom. In this post, I will be sharing tips on how you can survive the NICU life as a struggling mom. I never expected the day our daughter was born; I would also become a member of the NICU parents club. I’d never thought I would be in this challenging situation. The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) life from any parent’s perspective is frightening.  Even though I am a nurse by calling, nothing could have prepared…

  • Motherhood,  Postpartum

    Postpartum Anxiety and Tips for Moms Who Have It

    What is postpartum anxiety? Why does it happen? What can you do if you or anyone you know are experiencing anxiety after giving birth? Postpartum anxiety (PPA) is a mental disorder experienced by moms who have recently given birth or around the recovery period of 6 months to a year. Awareness of postpartum anxiety is not as full-blown as information on postnatal depression that moms get access to. Unfortunately, the discussion about this particular maternal mental disorder has less searchable information on the web either. According to Postpartum Support International on Anxiety During Pregnancy and Postpartum, “Approximately 6% of pregnant women and 10% of postpartum women develop anxiety. Sometimes they experience anxiety…

  • Motherhood,  You

    Ways to Boost Your Confidence as a Mom in Nine Simple Actions

    Looking into how you parent and how you feel about yourself can be challenging. Are you looking for ways to boost and build up your confidence as a mom? Becoming a parent, no matter how you think you are prepared, there’ll be an impression of doubt within yourself in your parenting. You may even question yourself if you are equipped to face the challenges of being a new parent. There are ways you can incorporate in your life to gain confidence in being a mom and boost yourself as the ride begins. You can start by examining yourself on how you feel about your role as a mom. When the…

  • Motherhood,  Self-Care

    Barriers to Self-Care for Moms and How to Overcome Them

    Let me ask you these questions, what is it that you need to practice self-care? Have you identified barriers to Self-Care in your life? What are you doing to overcome them? When you think about self-care, it’s frequently associated with self-indulgence, self-love, self-worth, or other self-related avenues. However, you can recognize self-care creates the channel to reach those other branches in caring for yourself. No one can perfectly say they’ve mastered self-care along with motherhood. But, someone or somewhere in this journey we are on – a struggling mom is, of course, trying her best to maintain balance in her life. I perceive other moms are thinking about these matters.…

  • Motherhood,  Postpartum

    C-Section Wound Care: How To Care For Your Incision at Home

    You delivered your baby via C-section and now have a low incision cut around the pubic area. You received your discharge papers and were hoping you’ll remember everything right after walking out the door. Now, you must be reading this post looking for instructions on how to care for your C-section wound. Remembering the nurse’s instructions the day of discharge and the excitement of going home isn’t a great combo.  So, my nurse tip for you is to work with your nurse closely in having 1:1 wound care instructions a day before your planned discharge. It will also be beneficial if a family member is present during this wound care teaching. …

  • Motherhood,  Self-Care

    Affirmations for Moms as Self-Care Practice

    In practicing self-care for moms, you can include self-affirmations. There’s a collective statement; what we tell ourselves, our subconscious mind believes it. What we tell ourselves can translate into and shapes our reality one way or another. Self-talk does wonder. Positive self-talk can go beyond measure in your life. Practicing self-care affirmations can be beneficial for new or experienced mothers. Being a mom – you faced mental challenges, and you try to find ways to cope or overcome them. Meanwhile, you can uplift your motherhood journey in several ways. You could use some pick-me-ups throughout our day. You can boost your thoughts positively that, in turn, can help you get through…

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