• Motherhood,  Postpartum

    Postpartum Kit for a C-section Mom

    Undergoing major surgery such as a C-section poses recovery challenges for moms at home. Having a postpartum care kit in your fourth trimester can help you recover as a C-section Mom. This article talks about postpartum challenges you may face as you heal and bond with your baby, along with the postpartum products to help you. As a C-section Mama myself, assembling my recovery care kit helped me prepare ahead of time, helped me stay organized, and got me into a healing state mindset. It’s great to have handy essential items for your optimum healing and recovery.  Let’s tackle it from the ground up – the items that can help…

  • Motherhood,  Self-Care

    Tips for Moms Dealing With Stress

    Moms, if you feel overwhelmed or your mental space is cluttered, it might be time to pause and learn some realistic tips in dealing with everyday stress. But let me ask this question first.  What’s a recipe for a stressed mom?  It’s the pressure of doing it all. Life throws you a curveball; you got it. Deadlines piling up and back-to-school shopping, you got it. Cleaning, paying bills, meal planning, and more – yes, YOU GOT IT.  Everything and everyone depends on you.  One task after the other, isn’t it?  Even though your husband/significant other shares the duties of everything at home, it can still be hard to deal with…

  • Cleaning Routine for a Stay-at-home mom.
    Daily Mom Life,  Routines

    Cleaning Routine for a Stay-At-Home Mom That You Actually Can Stick To

    As a stay-at-home mom, managing the household with a disorganized cleaning routine can get stressful and exhausting. I believe that every mom has a routine that suits her life and schedule. One mom equals a cleaning schedule that works specifically for her homemaking.  Although the time opportunity to use in my homemaking has extended now that I’m a stay-at-home homemaker, I actually feel that an efficient cleaning routine will get me the most bang for my time! After deciding to stay at home last year, I had to reset my cleaning schedule. This time it’s different from the cleaning routine I followed back when I was a full-time working mama.…

  • new mom and newborn
    Motherhood,  You

    First-Time Mom? The Honest, Raw, and Obvious Truth

    Being a first-time mom, you deal with the newness of motherhood upfront. It’s a graceful process to go through as you experience this new phase in your life. It’s the most joyous of moments but at the same time the scariest. This Beginning Phase of Motherhood  You’ll be stepping into this new role. This phase is going to be a mom-coaster. The new challenge: different emotions, exhaustion, expectations, realities, and dreams. The phase where you seek assurance and validation of what you got into. I recall my homecoming day as a new mom with my son. It was a bright Friday morning. My husband put our sleeping son in his…

  • Daily Mom Life,  Organization

    Quick Declutter Tips You Need To Know About

    Declutter your home, they say. When we see clutter everywhere, it can be anxiety-inducing. Just seeing the things that don’t have a place; and all the nick-nacks bring panic to us, busy Mamas. We dreamed of lounging around a well-kept home while savoring a warm cup of coffee. Tidy spaces give us an inner stillness and joy. It provides us more time for our loved ones when we don’t spend our limited time on unending decluttering projects. We all want a clean and properly kept home like the one we see in a home magazine. I, for one, dreamt of those tidy and decluttered homes. But then, the daydreaming end,…

  • Daily Mom Life,  Routines

    Why Kids Routines Will Change Your Chaotic Mom Life?

    What is a recurring household scene in your morning? Is someone crying? Are you yelling? Is the constant struggle to push and rush everything a staple in your home? Mama, are you inside a bubble that’s about to pop? Then, what about at night? Do your kids just close their eyes and escape to dreamland? Great! Or you’re on a long winding road of unending requests from your toddler trying not to sleep yet. Will these battles in your life continue? How long are you going to endure it? What if there’s a way to lessen the chaos? Then, creating kids’ routines might be the answer to your question. It…

  • Daily Mom Life

    Homemaking – The Ultimate Overview for Today’s New Homemakers

    Homemaking is truly an art. It’s a skill that involves housekeeping and making a home for your family. All across centuries, mothers have been the family’s anchors as homemakers. In the past, mothers manage their households, raise their kids, make time with their spouse, and keep it all together. I’m awed, and I truly commend them for paving the way for us present mothers. Modern mothers can be anything and everywhere. Homemakers can be a working, a work-from-home, or a stay-at-home mom. And we’ve all heard the phrase “mommy wars” before. Uniquely, we are all mothers, and each of our life circumstances is diverse. Whether you stay at home or…

  • Motherhood,  Self-Care

    7 Best Steps To Incorporate In Your Early Morning Routine!

    Early morning arrives, and you stare up the ceiling. Do you stay in bed for a while? Are you someone who springs out of bed? Do you automatically switch to mommy mode? Or are you someone who sighs deeply and grunts as you walk to the bathroom? Besides, nobody wants to be stressed the moment they wake up. I’m pretty sure you want to ease into your day as calmly as possible. So do I. It can be a real test with kids because once they open those sweet little eyes, you’re in it for the next 14-16 of your waking hours. Having a good 30 minutes or a (generous)…

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