• Motherhood,  Self-Care

    Affirmations for Moms as Self-Care Practice

    In practicing self-care for moms, you can include self-affirmations. There’s a collective statement; what we tell ourselves, our subconscious mind believes it. What we tell ourselves can translate into and shapes our reality one way or another. Self-talk does wonder. Positive self-talk can go beyond measure in your life. Practicing self-care affirmations can be beneficial for new or experienced mothers. Being a mom – you faced mental challenges, and you try to find ways to cope or overcome them. Meanwhile, you can uplift your motherhood journey in several ways. You could use some pick-me-ups throughout our day. You can boost your thoughts positively that, in turn, can help you get through…

  • Motherhood,  You

    Rediscovering Yourself After Motherhood

    There’s nothing wrong with trying to step back from motherhood for a moment. It doesn’t mean you’re abandoning the ship. That’s not the case. You are embarking on a new sail of rediscovering yourself when motherhood tends to overpower everything. You may be realizing that something in your life is quite missing. You’re standing at a fork in the road, unsure of where you’re supposed to go or who you are. Motherhood is undoubtedly a blessing. Yes, you know that by heart. Are there times, however, when you just want to put the apron away? Those times that you just want to get out of the mothering loop? I feel…

  • to show what to include in a new mom care package
    Motherhood,  Self-Care

    New Mom Care Package for Postpartum Self-Care

    Do you know someone who just became a new mom and you don’t know what to give her? You want to show her support and let her know that you care by giving her a New Mom Care Package. If you’re looking for inspiration, you’re definitely in the right place! The very first few weeks for a new mom are exhausting and blurry. From adjusting life with a newborn, tending to her recovery and overall 4th trimester can be demanding enough to focus on herself.  Knowing what a New Mom Needs A care package should include items that will make her transition to mom life easier and help in caring…

  • Motherhood,  Self-Care

    14 Practical Self-Care Tips To Avoid Burnout Among Working Moms

    Hello Self-Care! Now, I know what you are thinking; this post is another self-care spewing article about a spa retreat or momcation somewhere. Packing up your pretty luggage and hightailing out of town. Let me tell you – it’s not. You’ll come to realize that these are self-care tips that working moms unknowingly miss are within their grasp amidst the chaos of work and home. So Mama, to keep us on topic, let me ask you then. I need you to be honest with me and best to yourself. Do you feel guilty about taking the time to do self-care? Do you feel like every little thing in your life…

  • to show weary mom - self-care for working moms
    Motherhood,  Self-Care

    Self-Care for Working Moms: Embracing The Need of Caring for Yourself

    Self-Care View Where does self-care for working moms stand in focusing on working moms today? Working outside the home is challenging enough, adding to the home obligations that are constantly increasing. Will you ever have the time and energy to meet the demands of both sides? It’s real that moms are seen like worker bees in a hive. The worker bees take on different roles inside the hive. They tend to the young ones, bring food for the pack and help keep the hive going. Without the worker bees, the whole hive can have a standstill. No output and no support. Working moms carry this role: to be available and…

  • physical self-care for moms - woman and doctor
    Motherhood,  Self-Care

    Physical Self-Care for Moms and Why it’s Important

    Let’s be honest; moms are already on their feet 24/7. Running after our wiggly toddler, chauffeuring our school-aged kids to their after-school activities, doing our daily homemaking tasks, or working long hours. You might as well add Physical Self-Care to your plate. Your energy is depleting, and you start to get grumpy around everybody. Who wouldn’t be? What if there’s a way to get a recharge of yourself? Your body needs it. As a busy mom, you are constantly on the move and may neglect your health one way or another.  Physical Health is one of the vital parts of self-care that you can focus on to improve your well-being. When…

  • Motherhood,  You

    12 Amazing Self-Care Gifts for Moms This Mother’s Day 2021

    Mother’s day is coming – May 9th. Moms are celebrated around the world for their genuine love and support. We show our appreciation to the special moms in our lives through daily connections and shared experiences. It’s a great time to spoil Moms on this special day. With this in mind, one way to show moms our gratitude is by showering them with self-care gifts. If you are looking for gifts for the moms in your life, then look no more. I have rounded up the 12 Best Self-care gifts for Moms which are affordable. Surely, you’ll find one or three gifts that suit a mom that you know of.…

  • Mom drinking tea
    Motherhood,  Self-Care

    Admit It: Moms Need Self-Care In This Hard Year

    Since the pandemic hit, we felt our world had immediately spun 180 degrees. The normal buzzing community came to a pause. Everything just halted. Health protocols were established, and the world we knew – instantly changed. I’m sure that self-care for moms is the last thing in your mind, Mama. We didn’t get to prepare, and we were definitely ambushed. One of the things that landed on our feet was staying home. And because we weren’t sure how this pandemic pan out, we anchored deep. Moms definitely felt sidetracked. Working moms had to scramble on making sure someone was home with the kids when schools and daycare centers were closed.…

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