Motherhood,  You

Simple Inspirational Words for Weary Moms Out There

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Are you searching for inspirational words to keep you going? Are you looking for a lifeline to hold onto when the going gets tough?

Mothering is hard. Overwhelming it may seem the never-ending tasks, the pressure of meeting family members’ needs; they’re all part of the package. But when will you see the coveted silver lining?

You may think, how are other moms doing it all? You start to compare yourself to moms who have their motherhood gigs together. They’re probably struggling themselves too, just like you.

You downplay your everyday triumphs, be it simple or little. More so, you can’t see past your struggles, and your brilliance hides behind the shadow.

Moms, we'll reach a breaking point sooner or later in these motherhood walk. When it gets really hard some days, we just wanna cry it out. Here are some inspirational words for moms who are weary and tapped out. Read more...

Mama, you are seen and heard. Most especially, you are deeply felt.

You are discouraged when you think that your worth is equated with what you do.

Mama, you are worthy regardless of your actions, where you are in life, and who you will become.

As a struggling Mama myself, I realized that doing everything I can at once is breaking me. My focus was getting it done no matter what. However, that didn’t help me at all. Even tasks felt monotonous, draining, and completing them didn’t feel rewarding.

Additionally, when I have an unfinished task for that day, the thoughts of being a FAILURE come through with BIG BOLD LETTERS.

Every day is a battle to do the things you expect to accomplish. Your kids and family require a tremendous amount of your limited time. Now, you feel like being in multiple places at once, and you strive to meet everyone’s needs.

You think you fail because your baby hasn’t met the standard growth chart. You deeply sigh you aren’t progressing well on the potty training of your toddler. Or you think you infuriate your teenage son for badgering them with their chores. Finally, you feel you fail your kids because you are working a 12hr+ shift, and you see them when they’re about to sleep.

Aren’t these closely related to what runs through your mind at night? Don’t we all have these hard days? We may be imperfect, but we give it all the best we can!

weary mom - inspirational words

So if your encouragement meter is almost down to zero,

Mama, you need to stop.

Step outside, and give yourself a minute to breathe. Then, go ahead and cry it all out and release all that’s been eating you inside.

Encouragement and inspirational words are not merely phrases to get you going. It’s the LIFELINE when the going gets real tough. When you feel unworthy, defeated, discouraged, and low, this is the time to grab on to them.

You put your best foot forward every day even though you think it isn’t enough. You wonder, how can you go on? For how long? Just barely surviving on a thin thread at this very moment.

Mama, let’s pause for a few minutes.

Let these inspirational words of encouragement dig deep into your heart and soul.

You are the greatest mama for your kids.

  • Your kids love you no matter what. They care and forgive. You know what your kids need, and surely you take it to heart to fulfill them. Stay confident that every choice you make is for your kids’ best interests. Also, continue to love yourself and appreciate the unselfish decisions you’ve ever made.

Do what you can NOW and don’t stress about the next.

  • Each day is a chance to be new. What you can complete right now is all you need. Focus on a single task and give it your full attention. If multitasking burns you out, then skip it. Do one thing at a time. Being mindful of what you’re doing can give you much more clarity.

It’s okay not to be okay.

  • You cry silently in the shower or maybe inside your laundry room, and it’s okay. Let me tell you something I’ve learned being a mama of three. It’s also okay for them to see you cry and break down. It’s also all right for them to know that mama has sad emotions like them.
  • They reach out to you when they have meltdowns. Let them be there for you as well. You’d be surprised by the encouraging, supportive words they share when they hug you or hold your hand.

Mama, you are amazing.

  • Your unique love and dedication to your family is a testament that you are a wonderful mama. Let your brilliance shine through. Gather your thoughts in a big box and fill it with positive affirmations and inspirational words. You can also write them and post them everywhere visible. The amazing things you do for your kids, for your spouse and everyone, are not replaceable.

You are never alone.

  • Although you must be feeling so alone and isolated, open your weary heart. There is one constant in this world that God is always with you.
  • He is there to carry you and your cross. His merciful grace is infinite. Trust that He will deliver you from all your burdens. He is your ultimate hope.

A quick read about being weary here: Come to the River Source:

Moms have been where you are right now, and some will be where you are. So be patient with yourself and learn from these hard days.

Your feelings of defeat and discouragement are all but part of this motherhood journey. Don’t let it drag you deeply but instead, use them to propel yourself to become the best version of yourself.

You’re an imperfectly amazing Mama for your kids and a selfless, beautiful person to everyone.

Moms, we'll reach a breaking point sooner or later in these motherhood walk. When it gets really hard some days, we just wanna cry it out. Here are some inspirational words for moms who are weary and tapped out. Read more...

When days like these occur, come back to these inspirational words especially written for you. Firstly, to give you the courage to continue. Secondly, to strengthen your confidence. Lastly, to comfort and lift you in times of weariness.

Mama, you are an integral part of keeping everyone and society going. Though it may be hard right now, you are supported and very much appreciated.

Can you relate? I’d like to hear your thoughts on what keeps you going these days. Leave a comment below. Share this post with a mom.

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